Meta Domain Extensions

When starting a new journey in the metaverse, you need to learn everything about the metaverse, and its domains in order to have an error free, smooth journey. So this article is dedicated to explain about meta domain extensions. 

There are two parts in a metaverse domain name, the domain name and the extension. The extension part of the meta domain name is known as a meta domain extension. They help users identify the purpose of your metaspace and they are belong to the metaverse. 

These are the meta domain extensions available for you to purchase with your metaverse domain name.

.z   .x   .meta   .web3   .e

.z extension

.z is similar to the traditional domain extension .com. It is introduced and used in commercial virtual platforms in the metaverse. Same to the .com, you can commonly use this extension for any metaspace type. As this domain extension contains only one letter, selecting this meta domain extension for your metaverse domain name will not only be easy to memorize but also add attractiveness.

According to the experts in the industry, as .z is the .com version of the metaverse, users will recognize your metaverse domain name as a trustable and valuable domain name.

.x extension

According to the metaverse domain experts, .x is the next best metadomain extension that comes after the .z extension. .x is also used for commercial purposes metaspaces and virtual platforms. .x is also an attractive and memorable domain extension as it is one-lettered. Other than that .x domain extension can be used for virtual gaming platforms and any platform regarding entertainment. But there are no limitations to using it for other categories too.

.meta extension

.meta is also introduced to indicate that the metaverse domain name represents and is associated with the metaverse and is backed with blockchain technology. This meta domain extension can also used for any virtual platform on the metaverse. .meta indicated its association with new technologies.

.web3 extension

The special fact about this meta domain extension is that it includes a number. If you see the TLDs list of the traditional domain system, they used only letters. This domain extension indicated that it is associated with the web3 technology. .web3 is innovative, relevant to the technology, and eye-catching.

.e extension

This extension adds an emoji feature at the end of your metaverse domain name. As you know, emojis are more effective in expressing emotions than words and emojis are fast and recognized worldwide. Each one of them has a unique meaning or emotion. So using a.e extension is effective and also attractive. This feature will soon be available in the Metaverse registrar to purchase.

Why meta domain extensions are special?

There are several factors in metadomain extensions that make them special. First, they are innovative. Internet users have been stuck with traditional domain extensions for years. These meta-domain extensions are innovative and well-suited to represent the metaspaces on the metaverse.

Well matches with the metaverse and its future possibilities. These meta domain extensions were created considering the nature of the metaverse and its future possibilities. So these metadomain extensions can be used for a wide range of metaspace types. Users have the freedom to use any of these meta domain extensions for their futuristic creative ideas based on the metaverse.

Can have a higher reselling value. Unlike traditional domain extensions, these domain extensions have a high demand because these domain extensions were introduced for the most popular investment project in the present metaverse. So investors are keen to invest in these domains. The demand can raise the reselling price of the domain names.