What Is A Metaverse Domain Name?

With the outspread of the metaverse trend, so many questions have been raised, such as, What is the metaverse? What are metaverse domains? How much does a metaverse domain cost? Is Metaverse free? To get the right answers to all the questions you have related to the metaverse domains, read the article to the end!

Introduction to Metaverse Domains

Metaverse domains are unique digital addresses specifically designed for “the metaverse,”  also known as the future of the internet. Metaverse is a computer-generated virtual reality space where users can interact with each other and the environment around them in real-time.

These meta domains serve as identifiers within the metaverse, similar to how traditional domain names function on the regular internet. They are mainly used to create metaspaces, which are virtual environments or platforms within the metaverse where users can engage in various activities. And also, just like with the traditional domains, metaverse domains can also used for domain flipping. Just like in the traditional domain system, the metaverse domain system also has metadomain extensions.

Meta Domain Extensions

Many industries are keen to invest in the metaverse, so there can be various metaverse platforms. Meta domain extensions help users to identify the type of the metaspace platform. So there are several meta domain extensions introduced to the main categories, such as .z, .meta, .web3, .e, and .x.

  • .z – this meta domain extension is the same as the .com domain extension. Regardless of the type of business, any metaspace business platform can use this .z meta domain extension. .z is mainly recognized for the business metaspace platforms and is the main metadomain extension. So .z metaverse domain name value can be increased over time. This domain extension can be used commonly for any metaspace category.
  • .x – this is the next best meta domain extension available after the .z meta domain extension. This meta domain extension is also created to represent the business metaspace platforms. If your .z meta domain name is not available, we recommend the .x meta domain name as the next best choice.
  • .web3 – .web3 can be used for any platform that uses web3 technology. Users can easily identify your metaverse domain name belongs to a metaspace that uses web3 technology.
  • .meta- this meta domain extension also represents that the domain name belongs to the metaspace. You can use this domain extension for spacial metaverse platforms such as gaming platforms, entertainment purposes, and social purposes such as chat rooms.
  • .e – .e – users cannot use this meta domain extension yet, but in the near future definitely you can use it. .e means an emoji feature adding to the and of your metaverse domain name. Emojis are faster than words, so you can present the core of your metaspace just by using the right emoji.

Important: even though these meta-domain extensions can be used for a particular category, there are no rules for using them exactly like that. You have the full freedom to use whatever the meta domain name to your metaverse domain name. It’s all about providing the best customer satisfaction.

Specialties In Metaverse Domain Names When Compared To Traditional Domain Names

Metaverse domain names have several unique characteristics and advantages compared to traditional domain names. Here are the key specialties of metaverse domain names:

  1. Immersive Metaspaces: Metaverse domains serve as dynamic environments within the metaverse, akin to websites but designed for immersive interaction and engagement on the metaverse.
  1. Integration with Blockchain Technology: Many metaverse domains are built on blockchain technology, offering decentralized ownership and enhanced security. Blockchain ensures transparent ownership records and facilitates secure transactions, which is crucial in a virtual environment where authenticity and ownership are paramount.
  1. Enhanced Interactivity and Engagement: Metaverse domains enable richer interactivity compared to traditional domains. Users can navigate virtual spaces, interact with 3D objects, attend virtual events, and engage with others in real-time. This dynamic environment fosters immersive experiences that go beyond the static nature of traditional web pages.
  1. Flexibility Across Virtual Platforms: Metaverse domains are designed to be interoperable across various metaverse platforms. They can integrate with different metaverse ecosystems, allowing users to leverage their domain across multiple virtual environments rather than being confined to a single website or platform.
  1. Creative and Branding Opportunities: With metaverse domains, businesses and individuals have unique opportunities for creative branding and expression. They can create memorable virtual identities, establish virtual businesses, and build communities within the metaverse. This flexibility encourages innovative approaches to online presence and brand identity.
  1. Emerging Investment Potential: Similar to early investments in traditional domain names, metaverse domains offer speculative investment potential. Early adopters and savvy investors can acquire valuable virtual real estate, anticipating future demand and the growth of the metaverse economy.
  2. Future-Proofing Digital Strategy: Investing in metaverse domains can future-proof digital strategies by anticipating the evolution of online interactions. As technology advances and virtual environments become more integrated into everyday life, owning a metaverse domain positions entities to adapt and thrive in the digital future.

How much does a meta domain name cost?

There is no exact price tag for a meta domain name. The value of the meta domain highly depends on the meta domain extension. As mentioned above, the .z meta domain extension is costly compared to the rest of the meta domain extensions. The reason for the high cost of .z meta domain names is,  .z extension is introduced as a perfect extension for commercial meta domain. 

Compared to the .z domain name, other meta domain names can be of low prices. To know the exact value of the meta domain name you want to purchase, visit the cipzi.com home page, search for your meta domain name, and hit the search button. The search tool generates a list of available meta domain names with their value!

How do Metadomains differ from Traditional Domains?

Metaverse domain names are similar to the traditional web 2.0 domain names but created for use within the metaverse environment. Metaverse is a virtual ecosystem that was developed based on decentralized technology. As the metaverse provides virtual reality, a most awaited concept, internet users believe the metaverse is the next level of the present web 2.0 internet.

MetaZ Domain As An Investment Source

As mentioned earlier, metaverse domain names are an upgraded version of traditional domains. Domain flipping is a popular online money making method, uses traditional domain names. Domain flipping is a practice of buying a domain name for a cheaper price and selling it for profit. 

So one can wonder can I do the same with a MetaZ domain…?

Yes you can. You can make money with metaverse domain name and it is known as metaverse domain flipping. Now is the best time to invest in a metaverse domain name. Why? As it is still the early phase of the metaverse domains, the cost of a meta domain is low. So if you act now, you can own quality meta domain names and can sell them when the prices are increased with the time. 

Security With The Blockchain Technology

Before investing in a meta domain, one of the most important fact you need to check is the security of you investment. Metaverse domains are involved with the blockchain technology which is a decentralized system. Therefore, your meta domain names inherits the security benefits of both blockchain technology and decentralization such as, transparency, security and the trust within the metaverse ecosystem.

  • Decentralization – not like traditional domains, metaverse domains operate on decentralized networks. This dissolves any ciber threats or hacking attempts.
  • Blocking transparency – metaverse domains are recorded in a private blockchain, therefore every transaction is recorded in it and anyone can see the history and the present status of the domain name which is highly transparent. This transparency ensures that any alterations to domain records are visible to all network participants, creating an auditable and tamper-resistant history.

These are the main factors you need to know about a metaverse domain name. If you have anything to know or need clarification, please contact us at once. We are waiting to help you!