Contact Us

Thank you for your interest in Cipzi Metaverse Domain Registrar services. We value your feedback and inquiries. Please feel free to reach out to us using any of the following methods:

Customer Support

Our dedicated customer support team is here to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have. You can contact our support team via:

Social Media

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Frequently Asked Questions

✚ How do I register a domain in the metaverse?

To register a metaverse domain, you can visit our homepage and use our domain search tool. Enter the desired domain name, pick the metaverse domain extension you need and follow the registration process.

✚ How long does it take for a domain registration to be completed?

You may find the domain name in your wallet as soon as you buy it from our registrar service. Go to My Domains in wallet to check your domains list.

✚ Can I transfer my existing metaverse domain to Cipzi?

Yes, we support domain transfers from other registrars. Contact our customer support team for assistance with the domain transfer process.

✚ What payment methods do you accept?

We accept major credit cards, PayPal, Stripe and crypto payment methods. During the wallet top up process, you will be able to select your preferred payment method and you can change it whenever you need.

✚ Is it possible to renew a metaverse domain registration?

There’s no need to renew a metaverse domain registration as metaverse domains you can actually buy without leasing it for a limited time. Unless you resell or transfer your domain to another person, it’s yours.

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