Metaverse Domain Extensions

Metaverse domain extensions are the main thing that differentiates the purpose of your metaverse domain and its value. It’s fascinating to see how the value of domains change with domain extensions for the same name.

So, get a clear understanding on the metaverse domain extensions and their purposes to stay ahead in the game and to take the most out of your investment.

These are the metaverse domain extensions.

.z .x .meta .web3 .e

.z extension

.z is the main meta domain extension created by the metaverse domain system. The price of a .z domain name is higher than the rest of the domain names. But the reasons for it are that .z domains are the first pick of most domain buyers and can have a higher reselling value.

.z domain names can be commonly used for any type of metaspace but .z domain names are especially recognized as commercial domains. .z domain extension is the metaverse replacement of the .com domain extension on the traditional domain name system.

.x extension

.x extension is introduced as the best alternative domain option comes after the .z domain extension. If you miss the .z domain name the next best meta domain extension is .x. The price of .x domain names is lesser compared to the .z domain names. .x domain names are also can be used commonly for any metaspace and can be sold for a higher reselling price.

.meta extension

.meta extension is introduced to recognize metaverse-related metaspaces. For example, metaverse gaming spaces or social hubs. .meta extensions are priced lesser than both .z and .x meta extensions. The reselling value of .meta domains can be high according to their naming qualities.

.web3 extension

.web3 extension is popular with the web3-related metaspaces. Prices can vary based on the quality of the .web3 domain name.

.e extension

.e extension is to be introduced for emoji web addresses. This extension is not in use at the moment. In the near future, you will be able to purchase metaverse domain names with this .e extension from Cipzi.

Why are meta domain extensions special?

There are several factors in meta domain extensions that make them special. First, they are innovative. Internet users have been stuck with traditional domain extensions for years. These meta-domain extensions are innovative and well-suited to represent the metaspaces on the metaverse.

Well matches with the metaverse and its future possibilities. These meta domain extensions were created considering the nature of the metaverse and its future possibilities. So these meta domain extensions can be used for a high range of metaspace types. Users have the freedom to use any of these meta domain extensions for their futuristic creative ideas based on the metaverse.

Can have a higher reselling value.Unlike traditional domain extensions, these domain extensions have a high demand because these domain extensions were introduced for the most popular project in the present metaverse.The demand can raise the reselling price of the domain names.

Metaverse domains are universal.Unlike crypto wallet domains, metaverse domain extensions do not need special software or methods to access them. You can buy any metaverse domain extension from any metaverse domain registrar and it can be accessed with a meta browser.